lil' bit story bout my trip.;)

by - 2/08/2011 10:46:00 PM

salam uollsss!

as promised*err..ade ke aku janji eh?* tapi x kesah lahh...
here,some pics from my Spore trip with lovelies.
oh,mereka sangat lovely oke.serius.tak tipu.*tunjuk muka inesen* 

Alhamdulillah..sepanjang trip,takde pape yg tak dikehendaki berlaku..melainkan hujan non-stop from the day we arrived till the day we left Singapore.T_T
and really,we had much fun..sampai the night before we left Spore,tak tidur.oke,itu tipu..tidurlah pukul 4.30pg..buat ape?errr..ntah.serius.random talk with each other.;D

i've been to sentosa island..okayyy,sangat banyak perubahan..
yelah,last aku pegi sane pun time umo 9 taun?10 taun?time kecik2 skirt singkat2 lagi.=P

one thing aku suka bout Spore - their MRT service.awesome gilaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
beli tix kat machine je n saaaaaaangat susah nak jumpa machine yg rosak,out of service la mende la..dan sangat punctual.tak mcm ktm.aish.=_="
then bila kite dah sampai kat destinasi yg dituju*ecehhskemaweh* bila refund balik tix tu,akan dapat one dollar..kira macam deposit time beli laaa..oh.saya sangat suka.=D

one thing yg aku geli kat Spore - err..couple yg berkelakuan agak sumbang mambang kat dlm MRT,public,dan sewaktu dgn nya..
adoi.banyak kottt..aku ada la amik gambar 2 3 couple,sy kijam.=P

done lah.tak mo cakap banyak,here..let the piccas do the talking now...

gambar last tu dah macam anak ayam je kan?x pun org DIGI..kekekek.=P
oh.kamilah cheeky generation.debut 30th jan 2011..XD

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