Cairo, Egypt - Mesir Part 7 - budget + itinerary

by - 2/11/2015 11:30:00 PM


now we've done with all 6 parts , 6 days of our journey in Cairo, its time for the budget and overall itinerary !

okay. here, iols letak rough itinerary from day 1 till day 6. hopefully it helps anyone yang membaca ini. ^^

day 1 : 
Maqam para Auliya' (with help from Al-Azhar students) 

day 2: 
Giza Piramid
Masjid Amr Al-Aas
Masjid 4 Mazhab
Masjid Rifa'ie
Sunset @ Jabal Muqattam
Nile Cruise (+ dinner)

day 3:
 - Muntazah
 - Istana Raja Farouq
 - Maqam Nabi Daniel + Luqman Al - Hakim
 - Kubu Salahuddin
 - Library terbesar di Afrika

day 4:
Kubu Sultan Salahuddin @ Cairo
Masjid Al-Azhar
Pasar Hussein (Khan Al-Khalili)

day 5:
 - Tasik Qarun
 - Qasr Qarun
 - Wadi El-Rayyan (air terjun padang pasir)
 - Kincir Air Nabi Yusuf

day 6:
Muzium Mesir

MY Budget:

Flight tix Etihad : MYR2600
Guesthouse: +/- MYR150 / pax / 5 nights
Transport/Tour: +/- MYR305 / pax / 6 days
Entrance Fee:
 - Piramid : +/- MYR40
 - Nile Cruise : +/- MYR60
 - Muntazah : +/- MYR9
 - Kubu Salahuddin @ Cairo : +/- MYR30
 - Wadi El-Rayyan : +/- MYR9
 - Muzium : +/- MYR38
Misc: MYR400
Food: MYR150

Total: MYR 3791 / 6 days

i admit this is not a budget tour. but i think this is of the affordable one? not sure bout others tho. i think there are people that can make this trip like waay cheaper than me. so yeah. 

oh, for those yang cari pasal simcard yang okaaaaay sangat untuk trip egypt/mesir korang. i suggest Mobinil. simcard 15LE, topap 60LE, boleh subscribe 3GB data for 50LE. and internet dekat mesir sangat sangat sangat everywhere. 

tipulah kalau iols cakap tanak pegi lagi. even the surrounding secara jujurnya amatlah tidak berkenan, tapi kalau ada offer suruh repeat, insyaAllah.. i'll be more than glad to join.

anyway, i hope all my entries can help anyone who google-d about a trip to Cairo/Kaherah/Mesir/Egypt. ^^


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